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Continuing treatment plans amid the crisis!

We find ourselves catapulted into very uncertain times; the world feels like a snow globe that has just been given a good shake…. Is it a necessary shake? -Quite possibly. It does however, leave us in a very uncertain situation financially, job wise and in terms of our priorities and what is actually important in our lives.

How do we continue to work amidst this social isolation?

Here at Midlands Kinesiology I am happy to continue with treatment plans for clients I am currently working with. Surrogate testing is a form of testing we routinely use for babies, young children, sometimes the elderly or those we are unable to muscle test personally.. I also conduct surrogate testing sessions for many clients I have who live abroad and need to be tested. By reviewing your current treatment plan notes, taking into consideration current symptoms and progress, along with surrogate testing; there is no reason why we cannot continue your treatment plan.

What’s involved in surrogate testing? 

You send a recent picture of yourself (preferably a picture on that day), and we connect to your energy using the photo and intention. Anyone who has used surrogate testing previously can verify that this really works!! I have treated countless babies and children this way in clinic-using the mother as surrogate or a picture and I also regularly treat clients abroad using their photo.

Future Treatment Plans:

Client’s who are already undergoing treatment plans with me will be fully reviewed at time of appointment by phone or video call to see how symptoms are changing/ how things are progressing emotionally, physically, energetically. Testing is then done remotely using the photo and either a surrogate body or by dowsing using a pendulum. I conduct energy healings on a weekly basis using pendulum healing; again, anyone who has had a one to one treatment with me has seen me use a pendulum to check energy levels/ chakras/ whilst dosing remedies etc.

Client care will not be impacted and as long as you are happy to continue working with me to get better, then nothing will change!

I’ve lost my job and I cannot afford to continue!

As we are all in this unfortunate situation together, I will be asking client’s to contribute what they can afford towards treatments. Supplements and remedies will be further prioritised in order to make treatment plans as cost effective as possible. I also have a small amount of stock in clinic that I will be offering to those who are now unemployed on a donation basis.

I will not be in a position to take on new client’s until July 2020 as I currently have a waiting list until Mid June. If you have an enquiry, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me on midlandskinesiology@gmail.com or 0861077569. 

Stay safe, stay calm, stay grounded. Take it one day at a time and try and not get sucked into fear. Switch off the news !

Love Maeve xx


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